And here are their holiday sets. You would see a lot of products which have already appeared in the first catalogue. They’re here again as they’re in special bundle sets for the holidays.
Any 250mL shampoo+200mL conditioner is at Php459 (originally at more or less Php509)

Travel Set: Get two Spahnitizers for Php250 (Php280 value)
Repellent Set: Get a 100mL Eucalyptus and Lemongrass spray and 50g Lavender and Eucalyptus Balm for Php515

Virgin Coconut Set: Get a bottle of VCO and VCO balm for Php500
Pampering Scrub and Butter: Get any 100g body scrub and any 100g body butter for Php450
Body Care Set: Get a 100mL Ginger Green Tea & Eucalyptus Massage Oil and Green Tea and Olive Softening Body Scrub for Php449
Zen Anywhere: Lavender Reed Diffuser at Php498

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