They invited all of us to Solstice Bistro to experience the product. I have honestly lost track of all the resto’s, bars and event places I’ve been to in Makati and BGC for events because I’m a QC girl. XDDD

They had a speed eyeliner challenge which is why they had a lovely set up of Maybelline favorites.

And a flatlay station to make it easier for us. They know that it’s tiring to make flatlays and that we’re already so exhausted making them XDDD Thanks Maybelline, for always providing flatlay stations

Jia Brion, product manager for eyes, gives a talk introducing the product. I think she knows that she has a very very good product and that it only takes a matter of time before people hoard this product. I went to the mall last week and there was no tester for this yet, so I am guessing that it will take a few weeks for this item to have traction. But once the sales forces are equipped with the knowledge and the testers, these eyeliners will surely fly off the shelves.

And to make this eyeliner legit, they had the master of life and makeup Jigs Mayuga come over to do a demo of eyeliner looks. Fellow Maybelline makeup artists have done the makeup on the models, and he did their eyeliner.

He had several models so he was able to showcase cat eyes and winged eyeliner and stuff, but I think the best pearl of wisdom he gave is to always give the eyeliner time to dry. He always asks his models to close their eyes momentarily, especially if the model has small or hooded eyes, in order to prevent a disaster. Applying eyeliner is one thing but keeping it together is another, and I think that the latter is more important than the former.

Yeahp Emily Didonato is looking at us fiercely hahaha. I love the size of this box. I immediately gave this to mama after I finished shooting this because it’s the perfect size for passbooks hahaha

As with any other Maybelline event, the side events are fun. I had a golden temporary tattoo applied and I had my name scribbled on a Maybelline pouch by @writeitgracefully on IG who’s just a sweetheart!!!

I think after all the years of the press and media being interested in Jigs’ work, he’s also become quite a dashing model himself. He poses like he’s been doing it for years.

Bongga tlga ng maybelline.
Love the flatlays, make-ups.. And being part of Maybelline.. Nakakainggit! But infairness nung once nakagamit ako ng hyperink from Maybelline thanks to my friend.. It's long-lasting tapos smudgeproof and easy-to-use!! Okay naman sya gamitin..
FB: Rain Gatdula