cosmetics and what was her inspiration behind it?
The brand is called
blk, which is short for black. Why we chose black is because it really
represents for being timeless, uncomplicated. So that was really
the inspiration behind it, that everyone can have an uncomplicated beauty
regimen with the right products. We really wanted to come up with the idea to
create quality products that make it uncomplicated to piece yourself
on the go, who is not afraid to experiment, and is a go-getter. She keeps it real,
keeps it simple, and keeps it uncomplicated.
blk girl be?
Angelina Jolie. They always keep it simple and classy, but at the same time,
they’re not afraid to add a dose of color, they’re not afraid to experiment.
What is your signature look and which
BLK products do you use to achieve that?
lipstick color is red. I feel like it has become my lucky color. So whenever I
use red lipstick, it’s a top choice between matte lipstick or a liquid
lipstick. On regular days, It really depends on my mood, like a chameleon. I
like to blend in with what the weather is, or how my day is going. I love
trying many different looks, but I have that one trademark that I always go back
when it comes to applying make up?
Definitely not piling it on because the simpler, the better. It also gives you
a lot more room to play around with your lipstick colors. To keep your makeup
up for her shows, how did she learn to put on her own make up?
It was just trial and
error for her. Anne recalls looking at photos from the past and says that a lot
of them were #flop and #fail moments.” When you start to learn, you learn what
colors compliment your face. You learn that piling make up all over your face
doesn’t really suit me.”
K-drama have an affect to her makeup style?
Yes it does somehow,
“Like with the way I apply my lipstick. Sometimes it depends on what I’m
wearing, how I’m feeling that day, or even what I watched last night,” Anne
explains.She says the influence is evident in the blk face powders.
keeping up to date with makeup and beauty trends?
Anne thinks Instagram
is the perfect source for that, taking inspiration from the magazines and
people she follows and the updates on their accounts.
partner in Xeleb, but refers to the blk venture as her passion project. It’s a
part of who she is, as she’s really a makeup person.
From the color
matching, designs, the photos, choosing the graphic design, Anne is on top of
everything. She expresses how happy she is to keep working with people who have
been giving her that liberty to be very hands on, because it is such a passion
project for her. Anne also says that it may have helped that she has worked
with her partners in the past.
And are there plans to expand in the future?
Blk Cosmetics has so much in store. You can expect more
products to be launched in the latter part of this year and the first quarter
of 2018.
research. The reason why I decided to do this because all my followers and all
my friends are asking me what my lipstick color is, what are you using. It’s
really what I want to bring to them. Having good quality products that’s
attainable for them. You get super nice quality cosmetics. That’s why I’m so
excited, I’ve done all my research. Now it’s just a matter of making it happen
next year,”
experienced so far from creating a makeup line from scratch?
years. This time, I really pushed through with it. I was going to do it alone
at first, then I stopped because I was afraid. I had so many opportunities of
working with other brands. And I thought baka
di na matutuloy. I guess that was the biggest hurdle of actually making it
happen and pushing for it. I just thought that was the biggest hurdle I had
coming up with my own makeup brand.”
What’s the most fun part?
the shooting, All of the colors. Finding the packaging. It’s so much fun,
especially when you have a vision and you see it coming together. It gives me
so much kilig. I’m super hands on, in
our first photo shoot I wasn’t happy with it can we please shoot again I have a
different view for this brand and it happened we reshot everything the final
outcome was what I wanted for the brand.”
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