The rest of the time was spent rummaging through the “snow” and finding out about the surprises! I was told beforehand that Neutrogena would have new products, but I didn’t know which products, which is why there was still an element of surprise.

As well as their Fine Fairness Overnight Brightening Cream (957.50). I already used up one jar of this (I just am dying with so many backlogs that’s why a review hasn’t happened all this time!) and I love this so much, actually. This cream smells of almonds, which already makes it get 10000 brownie points from me as I love the smell of almonds so much. It’s emollient and deeply moisturizing, like body butter but scaled down for the face, but somehow it’s easily and quickly absorbable enough to withstand the Philippine heat (aka not sliding off your face). The result is velvety, soft, and refined skin with continued use. Or in other words, fine and fair skin.

To my surprise, they now have Fine Fairness Gel Cream (Php872.50)! Wow! I felt that this (aside from the mask) was the other most exciting thing in the box as I was not aware they had this, too. I love the Overnight Cream so much, but I also do think that a gel type format for the daytime is also something that the market needs. It’s just so hot, more so now that it’s so absurdly hot this September! I have no idea how or why, but it feels like the middle of April or May when in fact, malls have already started to play Christmas songs. It’s so ironic. Since we can’t control the weather, we can at least control our skincare choices hahaha.

There’s also their Fine Fairness Toner (Php505.50). This is a 150mL bottle, which is why it’s priced that way. I know it looks a little small in this photo, but in real life, it looks tall and slender. I take 6-8 months to finish a 150mL bottle of toner based from my past toners, which is why I’m not surprised with the pricing. The cream, I also took a year before I used up the jar wahahaha.

Korean scientists did a study about infrared light beauty treatments at Yonsei Medical Journal, and from their study, they found that: “Following 6 months of treatment, all patients reported good (51-75%) improvements in skin texture and roughness. Additionally, patients noted fair (25-50%) improvement in color tone of the skin; however, improvements in hyperpigmented lesions were not observed. Objective medical evaluation of the patients indicated that roughness and laxity were fairly improved, but there was no significant improvement in hyperpigmented lesions. Histological examination failed to reveal any differences as well. These results suggest that infrared radiation may have beneficial effects on skin texture and wrinkles by increasing collagen and elastin contents from the stimulated fibroblasts. Therefore, skin treatment with infrared radiation may be an effective and safe non-ablative remodeling method, and may also be useful in the treatment of photo-aged skin. (Lee, J. H., Roh, M. R., & Lee, K. H. (2006). Effects of Infrared Radiation on Skin Photo-Aging and Pigmentation. Yonsei Medical Journal, 47(4), 485–490. http://doi.org/10.3349/ymj.2006.47.4.485)”

There is this mask apparatus with sunglass handles and black eye pieces to make it comfortable for the person.

This is me during the treatment! I just wanted to show that not all the bulbs of the mask light up during the treatment. That is because there is a mix of red light emitting bulbs and invisible infrared ray bulbs. The red bulbs are for making skin fairer, while the IR bulbs are for making skin firmer (through stimulating collagen and elastin production).

It looks scary, but trust me, it’s actually uneventful. It doesn’t feel hot at all. If you will also just sit down for the 10 minutes and wear the mask snugly, you won’t feel like it’s glaring. I only felt such a glare as I took photos like these wahahaha.

I guess the real challenge with this apparatus is to find something to do for 10 minutes. Like I know people might not be able to nap out of fear of over napping. I also don’t recommend people to wear this with the intention to fall asleep as you might twist and turn and break the thing while asleep. At the same time, it’d be glaring to keep on taking this mask off to look at your phone or something. You might want to listen to some music, or listen to someone talk. Podcasts might also be a good idea. I don’t recommend talking with this on so that your spit won’t get onto the product. I dunno, I’m just OC about things like that.

And you can’t lie to this thing! Nope, nil, nada! The moment it shuts off, the activator will reduce 1 session from the total number of sessions! You really will have to buy replacement activators once you use up all your sessions.

Are you still using this daily? You think it will still be effective if after consuming the first 30 sessions, I will just do it for 1 week straight every month? 🙂 So it's like 7 days straight every month in order for the activator to last for 4 months at most. Haha.