We passed by Takeshita street, so I was able to go to a basement purikura shop and get some prints done!

The 6th floor contains their kimono selection. They have so many kimonos to choose from, in almost all colors and prints you can imagine. They also have plenty of types of kimono, depending on the package you got, so they have a large variety of kimonos, and a large variety of designs for each type of kimono.

I was already considered a late client as my appointment was at 11. They start at 9 I think, so a lot of people have already chosen their kimonos and have gone out the doors to start their day already.

They do provide umbrella rental, although I didn’t go for it anymore. It wasn’t rainy that day.

They provide customers with these shopping bags to put their items into as you will be provided with a Japanese themed bag during your rental period. These bags are cute and small, so these will most likely not be able to contain all your items.

Here I was with the kimono I have chosen, trying out different bags and seeing which one worked best. In the end, I went with the aqua colored bag.

Here is the lovely onee-san who pu the kimono on me! You’d see on the vlog how hard and tedious it was to put a kimono on.

And this is the style they did for my hair! I asked for an updo bun, and I had some curled hair on the side as I didn’t have bangs.

As you can see with the other clients, they’re really good at doing intricate braids and buns. At the time, my hair was long enough to be swept up into a bun, but not long enough to be braided, so that’s why my hair was done the way it was done.

This is the finished look! I went for the pink kimono. The kimono-san who put on the kimono suggested this purple obi and pink ribbons so that it’d have a traditional Japanese feel to it. I chose a pink hairclip with hanging flowers.

And then I was wearing origami earrings I’ve owned since before. My brother gifted me these origami earrings after a trip in 2010. As for the makeup, I went for sweet looking makeup, but with defined eyeshadow and medium thickness eyeliner.

The koi in the ponds were so fat! I was so excited whenever I saw koi in this trip as koi in Japan are really so healthy and beautiful.

There were so many hairclips! I was actually among the first girls to return for the day, and yet they still had so much hairclips on the desk even when most renters still hadn’t returned.

We also passed by Tokyo Tower that night, but again, we’re not fond of going inside stores of tall towers anymore. So we just took selfies outside, and that was it.

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