It’s no secret that we’re still in year 3 of this pandemic and that we still use disinfectants and UV lamps for all our things. I don’t have human kids of my own (my kids are furry felines hahaha), but for those with human kids, I know that preparations for face-to-face classes next month are also nerve-wracking. Schools are trying different approaches, and we nervously hope for the best outcomes for all kids. In line with this, Clorox has been offering lots of discounts and deals as of late so that everyone can be well stocked on their favorite disinfection items!!! In our household, there are no children (I am the youngest child wahahaha), and yet we go through so much alcohol, so many wipes, and I have to charge our pocket UV lamp weekly with all the things we disinfect. I can only imagine how much more a family with young kids would need!!!
I always think of kids as humans who try to eat everything. Even for kids beyond the toddler years, I always see children biting their nails, biting pencils, and eating food directly off of surfaces (i.e. they’re not so conscious to use plates on their own yet). Since kids will not know about all these issues with bacteria and viruses, it’s up to the grown-ups to make sure that the home is as clean and disinfected as possible for the safety of the kids.
As for Clorox the brand, I honestly don’t have much to say anymore. The Clorox Company has been around for over 100 years and is sold in over 100 countries. It’s a global brand tied to cleanliness, and technically, somehow, also tied to health and safety these days now that we are so paranoid in this pandemic. It’s a trusted brand that households will instinctively want to stock up on. It has been garnering awards left and right, and Clorox was named 2021 Safer Choice Partner of the Year by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
As for the wipes, I really like the solution they’re soaked in!!! We have used up quite a lot of wipes during the pandemic, and one thing I notice is that the wipes sometimes make a surface blurry due to a soap-like formulation of the solution. Wipes are supposed to technically be a replacement for soap and water, but because of how soaplike some wipes are, it defeats the purpose of supposedly being a replacement. Some wipes have solutions that feel sticky to the touch due to evaporating too slowly, but for Clorox wipes, I noticed that the wipe solution dries fast enough so as to not leave a surface sticky or blurry.
Versus alcohol, Clorox wipes work on more surfaces. I’ve tried using Clorox disinfecting wipes on our polished wooden surfaces that turn white when wiped with rubbing alcohol, but with Clorox, there is no surface damage. I can use Clorox on glass, wood, marble, and essentially it’s not limited to surfaces alone as I can also use the wipes on the packaging of makeup and skincare as well.
Do take note, though, that they recommend nonporous, non-food contact surfaces when using these wipes. If you use these on plates or eating utensils, you’ll need to wash the plates with water to make them usable.

Another warning is that this is not for the skin!! These are not facial wipes or baby wipes. These wipes are mainly for disinfecting non-edible items and household surfaces.

Okay, now that I’ve got the warnings out of the way, be sure to check out their July promo!!! 2 canisters of Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are sold at SRP Php310 at their Shopee store, but for this month, they have a limited stock that is at Php155 for 2 canisters!!! Be sure to get them before they run out!!! Be sure to also check out their Shopee Mall store and their LazMall store to score other deals and discounts!!!
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